
  • 无损检测之X射线检测实时成像技术分辨率

  • 实时成像推动介入放射学的发展

    21ic讯 当患者在躺手术台上,介入放射学医师会引导导管运动,通过一系列错综复杂的动脉血管。当医师引导导管通过动脉网到达冠状动脉和所关注的区域时,医师可从显示器上得到实时反馈,从而小心地移动导管进行介入治疗

  • 核辐射剂量场分布进行实时成像测量的新方法—阵列式吸收发光CT法


  • 核辐射剂量场分布进行实时成像测量的新方法—阵列式吸收发光CT法


  • 基于CMOS探测器的射线检测设计应用

    概述:以CMOS探测器为记录介质的数字化射线检测技术,检测精度高、温度适应性好、结构适应性强。CMOS射线扫描探测器探测单元排成线阵列,需要在检测时进行相对扫描运动,逐线采集并拼成完整的透照投影图像。介绍了检测工装设计,完成了探测器的固定、位置调节及实现与检测工件的相对运动。介绍了检测应用中的探测器配置与校准、透照方式选取、运动速度控制、检测参数优化、缺陷定量分析和图像存档管理等。应用结果表明,经过工艺优化,CMOS探测器能够实现大多数产品零部件的射线检测。最后分析了应用中存在的问题及后续研究方向。 Application of Direct Radiography Using CMOS X-ray Linear Array Detector SUN Chao-Ming, LI Qiang, WANG Zeng-Yong, LI Jian-Wen (Institute of Machinery Manufacturing Technology, CAEP, Mian yang 621900, China) Abstract: The digital radiography(DR) using complementary metal oxide silicon(CMOS) X-ray linear array detector as record media had advantages of higher spatial resolution, better temperature adaptability and flexible structure adaptability. During radiographic testing, relative movement of the detector and the work piece was necessary to collect each line of the scanned image, as the detecting units were lined in a row. So the testing equipments were designed to mount the detector, adjust the relative position and move the work piece according to its structure. The testing procedure comprising configuration and calibration of the detector, selection of the applicable scan mode, control of the scan speed, optimizing of the testing parameters, segmentation and quantification of defects and archiving and retrieval of the digital images were described. After optimizing the testing process, it showed that CMOS detector had capability to achieve better images and it could be used in radiographic testing widely. The benefit of using DR and some problems to be solved were talked in the end. Keywords: Digital radiography; CMOS X-ray linear array detector; Process optimization

  • 基于CMOS探测器的射线检测设计应用


  • 核辐射剂量场实时成像测量系统的研究


  • 核辐射剂量场实时成像测量系统的研究
