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[导读]德州仪器半导体有限公司的F2802x Piccolo系列MCU采用C28x内核,是高效率32位MCU,工作频繁3达60Mz,并集成了众多控制外设,引脚数目少.内部的电压稳压器使得它能采用单电源3.3V工作.模拟比较器采用10位基准,能直接控制PW

德州仪器半导体有限公司的F2802x Piccolo系列MCU采用C28x内核,是高效率32位MCU,工作频繁3达60Mz,并集成了众多控制外设,引脚数目少.内部的电压稳压器使得它能采用单电源3.3V工作.模拟比较器采用10位基准,能直接控制PWM输出,ADC转换器把0V到3.3V的模拟转换成数字信号.本文介绍了F2802x Piccolo系列MCU的主要特性,方框图以及数字马达控制和PFC套件的主要特性, 完整的永磁马达控制系统和马达控制和PFC开发套件方框图。

The F2802x Piccolo family of microcontrollers provides the power of the C28x core coupled with highly integrated control peripherals in low pin-count devices. This family is code compatible with previous C28-based code, as well as providing a high level of analog integration.

An internal voltage regulator allows for single rail operation. Enhancements have been made to the HRPWM module to allow for dual-edge control (frequency modulation). Analog comparators with internal 10-bit references have been added and can be routed directly to control the PWM outputs. The ADC converts from 0 to 3.3-V fixed full scale range and supports ratio-metric VREFHI/VREFLO references. The interface has been optimized for with low overhead/latency.








Digital motor control was first introduced to overcome the challenges that traditional analog systems had in handling drift, aging of components and variations caused by temperature. Flexible software algorithms not only eliminated tolerance issues relating to components, they enabled developers to dynamically accommodate variations in environmental conditions over time. For example, rather than only being able to turn a fan motor full on or off, with a digital implementation, fan speed can now be adjusted based on system temperature.

Additionally, systems can calibrate themselves, thus eliminating the need to schedule regular, manual maintenance.

Today’s microcontrollers (MCUs) bring even greater precision, power efficiency and reduced cost to a wide range of applications, including:

White goods and appliances with blowers and compressors such washers and refrigerators

HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) systems

Industrial servo drives used for motion control, power supply inverters and robotics

Automotive control systems, including power steering, anti-lock brakes and suspension controls Creating robust digitally controlled systems has never been easier. TI’s Motor Control and PFC Developer’s Kit as well as the Dual-Motor Control and PFC Developer’s Kit are based on Piccolo MCUs to give developers a platform that accelerates development and troubleshooting of motor control systems. The intuitive kits even teach developers unfamiliar with PFC how to merge PFC with motor control applications of all types.

The Motor Control and PFC kits provide direct access to all of the enhancements and features of the Piccolo architecture. Extensive software libraries and thorough documentation lead developers through the process of creating a complete motor control system utilizing real-time algorithms. The kit also enables developers to determine quickly the processing resources required to implement basic motor control. From this baseline, they are then able to bring in advanced algorithms to trade-off the remaining processing capacity for greater accuracy, better performance, higher power efficiency, control of multiple motors and a myriad of other options. In this way, developers can architect systems specifically optimized for their application constraints and requirements.










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