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我一直很期待看到两种技术:一种能够解决一个重要问题或治愈某种主要病症;另一种就是能够真正提升人们生活质量的设备或概念。虽然受教育所限,我从没有见到任何解决第一种问题的方法本身,但时不时都会有提升生活的技术出现,而最新的Planar Systems显示屏提供的体验就是如此。

Planar Mosaic使用三块平板显示器,包括一个真正的正方形LCD组成了视频墙系统。要注意的是,该系统提供了非常独特的功能,支持全球市场上墙面材料最先进的发展成果。根据Global Industry Analyst的研究,墙面材料市场正在以大胆、激进的方式扩张,到2015年有望达到260亿美元。

Planar Mosaic是一面视频墙,支持建筑和设计领域最新的趋势:用视频显示来进行墙面装饰,和传统墙面上挂的艺术品(画作、挂毯等等)类似。Planar在纽约的Cristin Tierney画廊展出了一款大尺寸的原型设计,显示视频艺术家Yorgo Alexopoulos的作品,这位艺术家的理念由遍布整个展示空间墙面的显示器传达。

视频墙系统的独特之处在于,它把三块尺寸和形状不同的LCD集成起来,其中包括一块方形LCD,尺寸为21.6寸。这块LCD昵称为“Salvador”,宽高比为1:1,每一面有15.6寸(39.5cm)。矩形的视频“瓷砖”包括昵称为“Vincent”的48寸(122cm)宽的显示屏,以及“Pablo”,宽度为40寸(103cm)。视频系统的运作和外观设计由Mosaic Ensemble软件和硬件完成,让这些“瓷砖”能够以任意角度旋转并安装在任意的位置。

视频系统采用LED背光,比传统的LCD显示屏更能省电。安装深度不到4寸(10.16cm),符合美国残疾人法。我在Cristin Tierney画廊看到了整个系统,非常同意Planar Systems市场副总裁Jennifer Davis的看法,“Planar Mosaic把视频从信息领域拓展到了艺术领域,让以前不可能的安装可设计成为可能。”

Mosaic Ensemble包括一套安装系统,带有自动校准功能,可以让安装无误进行,同时不受角度和位置的限制,凹凸的样式或者叠加显示都没有问题,同时还能保证从正面就能完成任何维修。电源不在面板上,因此不需要显示屏背面有任何电源接口。电源、视频和整个系统的控制都可以通过菊花链进行连接。

系统的核心是一套名为Mosaic Project Designer的软件。该软件能够显著削减成本和复杂性,让用户设计“视频瓷砖”的外观并在安装的过程中配置整个系统。软件和图像处理的结合让显示屏可以整体上显示一幅图片或者一段视频,用户还能让数个显示屏显示同一主题,就像是彩窗艺术家利用多个彩色玻璃组成一张图片。

如果你恰好在纽约,可以在3月30日前去看看Cristin Tiermey画廊的Mosaic系统,地址为纽约市546 West 29 Street,Y 10001, (212) 594-0550。如果到不了现场,Planar还有视频和案例。更多信息,请访问Planar的官方网站。

下一页原文参考: Thin Displays Set New Trends In Home And Commercial Décor

文章来源:美国版《电子系统设计》(Electronic Design)

Thin Displays Set New Trends In Home And Commercial Décor

Author: Mat Dirjish

Two things I always like to see in technology is something that cures a major problem or illness and/or some new device or concept that truly enhances the quality of life. Within the confines of ED, I never get to see any cures per se, but every now and again a true life enhancer comes along. Such is the case with Planar Systems’ latest display offering.

Planar Mosaic embarks as the only video wall system using three flat panel tiles including a true square LCD. Notably, the system packs unique features supporting cutting-edge developments in the global architectural wall coverings market. As per the Global Industry Analysts, the wall covering market is going in bold and radical directions and is expected to hit $26 billion in 2015.

Planar Mosaic is essentially a video wall supporting an emerging trend in the architecture and design industry: using video displays to adorn the walls in place or in concert with traditional artwork (paintings, tapestries, etc.). Planar has a large-scale prototype exhibit at the Cristin Tierney Gallery in New York City displaying the work of video artist Yorgo Alexopoulos. The artist’s concepts span several displays across the exhibit-space walls.

The video wall system is apparently the only one of its kind that allows the integration of three different LCD tile sizes and shapes including the true square LCD tile measuring 21.6” diagonal. Dubbed the Salvador, the square LCD tile sports a 1:1 aspect ratio and measures 15.6” (39.5 cm) on each side. Rectangular tiles include the Vincent measuring 48” (122 cm) wide and the Pablo logging in at 40” (103 cm) in width. Operation and layout of the system hinges on proprietary Mosaic Ensemble software and hardware, which allows the tiles to be rotated at virtually any angle and mounted in any position.

The system features LED backlighting, thereby consuming less energy than traditional LCD displays. With an installation depth of less than 4” (10.16 cm), the system is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Having viewed the system at the Cristin Tierney Gallery, I completely agree with vice president of marketing at Planar Systems Jennifer Davis’ statement, “The Planar Mosaic elevates video from the realm of information to one of inspiration, and will allow installations and designs never before possible.”

The Mosaic Ensemble includes a one-of-a-kind mounting system with auto-alignment posts that allow error-free installation with unrestricted angles and positioning in concave and convex patterns or with overlapping displays while retaining the ability to perform any servicing of the displays from the front. Off-board power supplies enable a very-quiet wall where no power outlets are required behind the tiles. Power, video, and system control can be daisy-chained. [!--empirenews.page--]

At the heart of the system, Mosaic Project Designer software promises to eliminate significant cost and complexity by allowing users to design a layout of video tiles and configure the system during the installation process. This combination of software and image processing easily allows the display of a single image or video over the entire layout. One can literally build a single theme from several displays similar to how a stained-glass artist creates a picture from several pieces of colored glass.

If you happen to be in New York, you can take a look at the Mosaic system through March 30 at the Cristin Tierney Gallery located at 546 West 29th Street, New York, NY 10001, (212) 594-0550. If you can’t make down there, Planar has a video available and an in-depth case study. For more info, visit Planar's website.

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